Pad Screenshot

Welcome to ScriptSketch!

ScriptSketch is a programming environment where you can run script to explore 2D graphics, and learn how to programming.
The built-in script "KG-Script"(codename) is a new interpreter language designed by Keiji. It is very similar to JavaScript, but has more object/class oriented extentions.

Try programming here, or you can choose sketches from a Gallery.

About ScriptSketch

ScriptSketch project was started as a small project desining a new computer scripting language for StitchSketch application. The original goal was just to provide a "macro" (or scripting) capability to it. However, while designing the language, I came across several interesting projects, of which, I was very inspired by Processing.js.
Naturally, that made me think that making my new language more than just a scripting but rather a "programming environment" where users can learn and explore a computer language and computer graphics.
Also, I have a 5 years old son and wanted to teach him how to programming (well, not now, but in the near future), and looking for an environment to do that - why not creating my own from this project?
Combining all these thought, I decided to start a project to create an application to achieve that goal.

So, here it is!

There are a couple of goals I had in my mind for this project:

ScriptSketch Roadmap

ScriptSketch is still under development, and need more time/funding to complete.
Currently, it is ver 0.1 (10/12/2012)
A project plan is:

About the Author

Keiji is a software architect/engineer who love programming and developing computer software to help users dream.
He is a developer of popular software KG-Chart for Cross Stitch/Bead Weaving and iPhone/iPad app - StitchSketch.
For more information about Keiji, visit his site.
Keiji's Linked-in profile.


I'm planning to provide this under some kind of open source licensing, but right now it is still under development/funding phase, so please wait for a while.
Also, I'm planning to create a iPad app.

